Alexander Archipenko : Horseman arhive photo
at 35 m 29 s,
Alexander Archipenko: Horseman.
: bronse 770 mm
on the base: Archipenko 1916 Paris 5/4
In my
think this is the only existing piece, which is the world's horseman
outstanding work.
most of statues of Archipenko - which were made in Europe before his going to
USA - were lost, these were remained only on photos or in descriptions. For this
reason Archipenco had to reproduct most of his European works in USA by
remainder documents. In the case of Horseman, the statue remained, its
documents were lost.
In 2014
the statue was examned by the Brussels Laboratory.
The August last year the statue was
presented to the Archipenko Foundation. Fracies Archipenko Gray gave the opinion
that she does not think that it would be the work of Alexander Archipenko
creation. For me it was unacceptable short unscientific opinion. She could not
interpret the outcome of the Brussels Art Laboratory. The statue is the material
of the high tin content to certify that the work was only the beginning of the
twentieth century. The signature carved into the plinth and subsequently
verified. The sculptural techniques and technology used in the compliance era.
The sculpture carries convex and concave elements used by Archipenko. The
mutilated body parts are connected into one imaginary. The
buttons that is found only in the Pierrot Carussel.etc.
I found an archive photo of a statue of a Fabergé documentary . "Faberge: A Life of Its Own" which I
recently saw in the german television ( Ms Rosamund Bartlett speaks about the
russian artists of avantgarde, some art works are displayed in the movie, among
others, a sculpture about a man with a horse (at 35 m 29 s),