2019. február 16., szombat

The mediocre livelihood clique on Alexander Archipenko's oeuvre never provides space for the Horseman .I feel like Miklos Saranszki's vocation as a public figureThe Horseman.
The sculpture is made  a movie in English.I'll give you a book about the Calvary of the statue and the period after Archipenko's death. Address: The Refused Archipenko. in english.

2019. január 5., szombat


Kiev 1887–1964 New York) Flat Torso, 1914, lifetime cast, bronze with a brownish patina on a marble base, Incised with signature and dated Archipenko 1914, height 51.5 cm (incl. base), (PP)

Date: 20.05.2010, 18:00
Location: Palais Dorotheum Vienna
Exhibition: 05.05. - 20.05.2010
Photo certificate: The Archipenko Foundation, New York, 11 November 2009 Literature: Yvan Goll, Archipenko, New York 1920, ill. p. 2 (marble copy); 

The price of an Archipenko copy depends on whether 
the Archipenko Foundation gives it a certificate or not.